Link Development, the Digital Developer of Egypt Census 2017
Sunday, Oct 01, 2017Laying Egypt's digital baseline for better planning of polices, strategies and mega projects for +100 million citizens!
Link Development; the global technology solutions provider for public and private sectors and part of A15, the entrepreneurial company that invests in digital products and technology brands, congratulated today the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) for announcing the official results of Egypt Census 2017, the largest electronic census in MEA, that was conducted using Link Development state-of-the-art digital solutions, in partnership with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), CAPMAS and Microsoft.
The official results of Egypt 2017 Census were announced recently during a presidential conference attended by Egyptian President Abd El-Fattah ElSisi who monitored the progress of such a critical national project capable of reshaping the future of planning in Egypt based on scientific and reliable bases.
General Abu Bakr Al-Gendy, CAPMAS President, said "It's a mega project! We merged Egypt’s long-standing history and experiences in the arena of census with latest global technologies in a unique journey of digital transformation across Africa and the whole region.”
Egypt’s digital census was kicked-off early 2017, where over 40000 field agents collected on-ground data using Windows tablets; to collect data of buildings, population and commercial facilities across all 27 state governorates. Also an electronic self-service website was created for the public to record their data (in the population phase) online.
Al-Gendy proudly stressed on the outstanding results of the digital census saying “Link Development team delivered us a powerful; integrated digital platform that allowed collecting big amounts of census data for, real-time, interactive analysis over rich analytical dashboards using GIS technology. CAPMAS Operations Room was able to monitor all field work and review achieved results in real-time to take corrective actions; if needed."
Sylvana Mounir, Digital Services, General Manager and Board Member, Link Development, said “We heartily congratulate CAPMAS for announcing the official results. Since the early stages of planning the digital census, all work groups at CAPMAS were focused on excellence in going digital; with determination to reach maximum efficiency and accuracy in the shortest time possible".
Since the kick-off Egypt Digital Census 2017, CAPMAS has been receiving multiple requests from various countries and official delegations such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, Palestine, Oman, UN, FAO, etc, to tap into the successful journey for possible replication at home.
Khaled Abdel Kader, General Manager, Microsoft Egypt, said "We have been working with Link Development for 20+ years as partners determined to provide highest quality digital solutions for the public sector. We congratulate CAPMAS on such a breakthrough success where one of the largest national databases in Egypt and the region was designed to manage now over 3 billion records using more than 20 terabytes of storage; all managed through a fully integrated, homogenous and Microsoft-based digital solution."
Mounir stressed the strategic importance of Egypt Digital Census 2017, saying "It is a technological turning-point that offered, in an extraordinary short duration, a new digital baseline that will facilitate setting up state future plans and policies. We are willing to support regionally in replicating such digital transformation journeys.”
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