Overcoming COVID-19 Hand-in-Hand - Service Continuity Plan - CEO Message
Sunday, Mar 29, 2020Dear Valued Customers,
At Link Development, the safety and well-being of our employees and our customers is always our priority. As a service provider we recognize the importance of the continuity in providing our services to our customers during this critical time. We are actively monitoring COVID-19/Coronavirus situation and taking steps to help keep our communities safe while ensuring our business continuity and overcoming this stressful uncertainties hand-in-hand.
We are sharing with you a summary of the corporate policies and measures we hold and have mobilized since the onset of this crisis.
Health and Safety First - We are in continuous communication with our employees reminding them about the importance of good hygiene, providing them with health education and support whenever needed. Employees who feel ill have been told not to report to work, and to report the closest encounter with a customer, partner or colleague, so we can mitigate and communicate accordingly.
Remote Workforce - Everyone involved in the service delivery cycle at Link Development is equipped to work remotely or on-the-go. We’re now recommending all employees to go remote, avoiding offices and customer visits unless strictly required.
Keeping Social Distance – While we value our customer visits and customer proximity, and for everyone’s benefit, we respect our customers’ choice to keep their social distance during the current situation. We will host all of our meetings virtually, avoiding traveling and close social interaction. Nevertheless, we will be available to meet in person if needed.
Leading with Care - We are leading business continuity and internal communications on daily basis. We keep monitoring, adjusting, and communicating accordingly. And, we are ensuring that we will get back to our customers as the situation evolves or there are updates.
These measures have been carefully designed and tested to prevent any loss or degradation of service to our customers. Our commercial, delivery, training and support teams are in full force supporting local, regional and global priorities as they arise. Our teams are equipped to mitigate potential disruptions of any sort and we anticipate no negative impact on our ability to meet customer demands.
Therefore, in the coming weeks and months, we will be ready to offer flexible and agile procedures to accommodate specific COVID-19 support requests or changes by our customers. It’s our goal to help those on the frontlines act with confidence during a time of uncertainty, and to ensure businesses continuity.
On the behalf of Link Development team, thank you for your business. I trust you’ll appreciate our evolved ways of working. Please, don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions.
Keep safe!
Thank you,
Hesham El Beih,
Chief Executive Officer
Link Development