Plan. Inspect. Control.
Create agile inspection processes right from planning to in-field implementation, monitoring and closure. Empower inspector with tools to conduct rigorous reviews. Empower inspected entities to showcase compliance, appeal violations and ask for reinspection. Use intelligent analytics to control everything.

Scheduling and Dispatching
Schedule manual and automatic inspections and plot them on a calendar view to boost the planning process. Log staff vacations and external engagements for better capacity planning.

Approve Inspection Results
Syn tablet results to the system and empower inspectors to update findings before sending results for approval. Attach documents and eSignatures to approval workflows.

Take Corrective Actions
Enable inspected entities to correct any noncompliance captured during inspection.

Manage Violations and Appeals
Issue different types of penalties in case of violations such as warning, suspension and others. Enable inspected entities to request appeals.

Generate Intelligent Insights
See what is happening at any given point in time via via intelligent dashboards that show in depth analysis and insights on all inspections.

An Arsenal of Tools!
Tailor the framework to business-specific needs. Easily configure an arsenal of built-in tools to make inspections processes accurate, agile and complete.

Inspected Entities Profiles
Configure the profiles of those who will be inspected with a dynamic form generator. Have them registering online and approve their registration.

Checklists Templates
Replace paper-based checklists with a fully dynamic and customizable inspection checklists.

Tablet App
Put a bilingual tablet app in the hands of inspectors to fill forms and checklists. Enable image capturing and video recording. Sync collected data automatically when internet connectivity is available.

Announced and Adhoc Inspections
Configure a plan for announced inspections that inspected entities can confirm or reschedule. Choose to conduct adhoc inspections if there is a need.

Seamlessly integrate with other systems such as Active Directory, ERP, MS Exchange Server in addition to payment and SMS gateways.

Multiple Inspection Types
Create as many inspections types as you need and create a checklist of each. Monitor inspection type history for repeated incompliances.

Personalized Workspace
From their workspaces, employees and inspected entities can track submitted request, and take action on pending tasks. Workspaces have ‘Document Wallets’ that include all issued and submitted documents.

Multilingual & Localized
A multilingual framework, ServeBig Inspections meets the localization, navigation, and ease-of-use mandates for government & private sector organizations.

Privacy and Security
Employs an extremely meticulous access rights management, user authentication, authorization and roles to ensure the integrity of the inspection process.

Documentation & Help
Use a video & textual user guide. To enable users to quickly understand the purpose of a feature and how to best use it, the guide provides information related to the page they are using.
Contact us to learn about ServeBig Inspections - Quality Control System digital transformation success stories, see demos, and ask our teams of experts.