Link Development Enables MIIC/GAFI Smart Services to Rank First in Egypt's Government Excellence Award
Sunday, Nov 24, 2019Growing 3000 Investment Opportunities through Digital Portal and Investment Map
Link Development, a global technology solutions provider and an A15 company, announced today its sincere congratulations to the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation (MIIC) and the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) for landing first place in Egypt’s Government Excellence for Smart Services Award thanks to their dedicated and continuous efforts in providing their Microsoft-based, online digital portal and interactive investment map that opened up Egypt’s investment space with 3000 investment opportunities to date.
The award celebration was held on 31 October 2019 in a formal ceremony held under the auspices of President Abdel Fatah El Sisi and attended by Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, the Prime Minister, Dr. Sahar Nasr, Minister of Investment and International Cooperation along with top government officials and a high profile ministerial delegates from the UAE.
Link Development is the digital developer of MIICs and GAFI’s online presence, namely the investment map, MIIC and GAFI portals as well as other investment-focused technology solution and integrations. In recent years the company has been partnering with MIIC and GAFI as well as MCIT (Ministry of Communications and Information Technology) and Microsoft to craft a smart, digital investment ecosystem.
Mr. Malek Fawaz, the Minister’s Advisor for Investment Promotion and Digital Transformation, MIIC, who was also handed the award, said: “The Digital Government Excellence award crowns our digital efforts to realize Egypt’s 2030 vision. “Thanks to our easy-to-use Investment portal, with the Investment Map at its heart, opportunity-shopping has significantly scored 3000 opportunities; in addition to a sharp increase in local and foreign investor trust."
"With the continuous help of key digital players such as Link Development, we are progressing in an aggressive digital roadmap that will further strengthen and promote our local, regional and global investment landscape”, added Mr. Fawaz.
The Investment Portal is a one-stop-shop marketplace, on web and mobile, that includes key information and services for investors. It provides an easy and complete path to undergo the required procedure, processes and approvals for a fast business start-up in Egypt.
The Investment Map is an attractive, interactive, visual solution that helps potential investors to visually discover and evaluate investment opportunities across different sectors and cities and filter them by key indicators such as facilities, infrastructure and others; helping investors in making conscious, smart investment decisions.
Ahmed Abdelhameed, Digital Services, General Manager, Link Development said, “We heartily congratulate MIIC for landing this prestigious award. This strategic recognition is the result of dedicated and continues effort by MIIC, GAFI and MCIT in driving Egypt’s business transformation through the intelligent use of Microsoft and esri technologies. We are committed to put our powerful digital capacities at the service of MIIC to sustain and improve the portal and its smart services and collaborate on other digital projects set to bring Egypt’s 2030 vision to life.”